Deploying DNS and NTP using AFC

Deploying NTP and DNS services is definitely not a hot topic but it is a useful one. This section will review deploying both services to the managed network using Fabric Composer.

Deploying NTP

To deploy the services, we can use the guided setup. Select “NTP configuration” from the wizard.

Launch NTP Wizard
Launch NTP Wizard

Enter your NTP server address details.

Enter NTP Details
Enter NTP Details

Scroll down and select “Add” to add the server configuration. Hit next to proceed.

Add NTP Details
Add NTP Details

I can now choose how to apply the NTP configuration. The configuration can be applied to individual switches or to an entire fabric. I will push the configuration to the entire fabric so all switches use the same config.

NTP Deployment Options
NTP Deployment Options

A summary of the configuration is now displayed. Once confirmed, you can go ahead and click apply to push the configuration.

NTP Summary
NTP Summary

You will now return to the configuration screen. The window shows the NTP pool has been configured and applied to the fabric DC1_F1 as shown below.

NTP Configuration Page
NTP Configuration Page

Deploying DNS

To proceed with the DNS configuration, I return to the wizard. Select the “DNS configuration” option.

Launch DNS Wizard
Launch DNS Wizard

Specify the domain name and list of DNS servers and proceed to the next screen.

DNS Settings
DNS Settings

I can now apply the config on individual switches or to the entire fabric. I will proceed with the entire fabric.

DNS Deployment Options
DNS Deployment Options

A summary of the configuration is shown. Select Apply when you are ready to continue.

DNS Summary
DNS Summary

I am now redirected to the DNS configuration page which displays my configuration.

DNS Configuration Page
DNS Configuration Page


Before moving onto the next section I would just like to show what’s going on under the hood. As part of the deployment, AFC will communicate with the switches using the API and SSH. If we log in to a switch, you can view the configuration which has been applied to the device. The wizard is applying CLI commands as part of its workflows.

CLI Configuration
CLI Configuration

This is one of the things I like about AFC - the fact I can still go into the CLI and perform changes. I am not locked out or restricted from the CLI in an AFC deployment. I have full CLI access so I can go ahead and run all of the commands I am familiar with.

You can also perform the relevant show commands on the CLI to run further validation as per the example below.

NTP Verification
NTP Verification

DNS Ping Test
DNS Ping Test


During this post, I have covered the following;

  • Deployed DNS and NTP using the wizard.
  • Reviewed the configuration from the CLI perspective.
  • Verified each service is working correctly.

In the next article, I will review the steps to deploy VSX.

Next Article: AFC VSX Deployment

Andrew McCartney
Andrew McCartney
Solutions Architect, Aruba Networks.
